Our French Plancha is a master of consistency. Our Plancha cooks quickly but gently because it has 25 times the heat capacity of a frying pan and a system that brings heat to the contact point with the food 5 times quicker than a pan.
Because you set the Plancha so it doesn't reach carbonizing temperature, food cannot be burnt. This all makes Plancha cooking quick but calm in a way it will never be when pan frying. With a power of only 3.5 or 4kW the Plancha is also incredibly efficient.
A great chef can have an easier life, with less things to go wrong, if their equipment gives amazingly consistent results.
Extremely versatile, our French Plancha is available in steel, chrome, and ribbed finish.
Designed to be cooked directly on the surface, or used with pots/pans when necessary.
Heat is concentrated in the middle, to provide different temperature zones within each plancha.
Water trough with collection drawer built around the plancha for easy cleaning. With a catchment container under counter.
Can be single or double.